I would like to recognize the strength, empowerment, bravery and resilience that my children and I have been forced to show following my recent and unexpected divorce. I definitely can acknowledge the struggle of each and every single parent going through a similar situation, some of them without family in the UK to support them, just like me.
To celebrate my freedom, new dreams coming true, new beginnings and the beautiful new people who have come and will come into my life. I have decided to raise money for a very worthy and well-known charity set up to help single parents, navigate the seas of sudden single life with the big responsibility of facing the challenges and rewards that raising children can bring.
Please help me to support the National Charity 'Gingerbread' set up to help parents in my position;
“We provide information to help single parents support themselves and their family. We run programmes to equip single parents with the skills and opportunities to gain employment. And we campaign and influence policy to reduce stigma against single parents, and make services more accessible to all families – whatever their shape or size.”
I will be doing a skydive jump on the 04th of August 2019 with Skydive London to celebrate my divorce and I would appreciate very much your Kindly support.
“After rain there is a rainbow
After a storm there is calm
After the night there’s a morning
And after an end..
There is a new beginning”
All parents are warriors but all you single parents are double warriors!