In just 26 years, Panny achieved more than most people would manage in two lifetimes. During his short time with us, he really did live life to the full. Panny was a family man; a son, a brother, a nephew, a cousin, a grandson and a great friend.
Academically brilliant, an outstanding mathematician, a talented sportsman, hugely popular and widely regarded as one of the most naturally gifted traders in the City of London. Panny was, and is, a real credit to his family. A kinder man you could not hope to meet. He was always thinking of others before himself. Before he passed away Panny's wish was to help others in the same unfortunate situation. We have therefore set up this memorial fund in his name. Donations will be going to The Sarcoma Development Fund (UCLH Special Trustees Account 0337).
Sarcomas are a rare family of cancers which arise from connective tissue (muscle, bone, cartilage, nerves, fatty tissue), accounting for less than 1% of all cancer. Sarcomas affect people of all ages and differ greatly in the symptoms they cause. We know little about why some people get sarcomas and others do not. Furthermore, the many different types of sarcoma, some more common and some very rare, means that studying their causes and treatment is much harder compared with common cancers. Fundraising and donations from patients and their families, both past and present, are enormously important the work of the Sarcoma Development Fund. Such generosity is currently supporting a range of research at UCLH.
This link provides some more information on where your donation will be going:
Michael, Helen, Christina and Nick Ioannou thank you for your support and kind donation. Panny is watching over us and we know that raising money to help others will make him very happy.