Seeing as the BUCS (British Universities & Colleges Sport) outdoor cricket season is cancelled, no games or after-game bevs will leave our Wednesdays and Saturdays feeling very empty. It has left a few of us university cricket clubs thinking how is best to pass the time? Look no further.
We've came together with Birmingham, Cardiff Met, Leeds, Leicester, Surrey and Warwick to form an entirely new league, hoping to raise a bit of money for Teenage Cancer Trust in the process.
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE: Your team of 11 have to RUN a combined quicker time than your opposition on a Wednesday afternoon when we should be playing. Deadline is 6pm. The distance teams need to run is the distance between the two clubs (if the distance is over 100km, let's cap it at this unless the two clubs decide between themselves to do the full distance!). Evidence on a running app is required from each player. Any clubs wanting a 'pre-season friendly' to blow away the cobwebs should comment with a small donation and how best to contact them. Ultimately, decide rules and distance between yourselves - you may take 20 seconds off for each player that runs in their whites like we are doing in our Past vs Present game on Saturday.
The university cricket community is close. We were saddened to hear that Harry Staples of UOBCC was diagnosed with Leukaemia recently and its fair to say he has a big old battle on his hands, especially with everything that is going on in the world at the moment. So what better way to show your support by putting the extra yards in when you're on your run and feel like giving in. Any donations to Teenage Cancer Trust would be appreciated - the chosen charity by UOBCC.
Spread the word and lets make sure the cricket season goes ahead! Share this page on your social media and get in contact with the teams in your league #BUCScricketCOVIDedition