It's been a while since I really went the distance with my running, and I've decided to push myself to clock up another 26-miler while I'm 26.
As someone who has been "living miserably" for long periods of my life, the work that CALM do is precious to me on a personal level. Throw in the fact that running is something that always has helped me combat the darkness, and this feels like the perfect way to raise money for a fantastic cause.
My aim is to run the marathon in 3hrs 30mins, and I will donate £100 of my own money if I fail to hit that target.
I'd like to hope that, whether I hit the target or not, people will give generously and help me reach my fundraising target of £500.
A bit about the HUGELY important work that CALM do:
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. CALM exists to change this by offering life-saving services, provoking conversation and bringing people together to reject living miserably. From advice on our site, through to free, confidential chats with our helpline staff, online or on the phone, we’re here for whoever needs us, every day. No matter what. £8 is enough to fund one potentially life-saving call.