Hi and thank you for visiting the official Orangutan Foundation "Orange for Orangutan Day" website.
We are really grateful to you for your support and the effort that you have gone to in order to be a part of Orange for Orangutan day. We can assure you that all of your money will be invested into one of our worthwhile projects overseas. The money will be spent as required unless you specify that you would like it to go towards a particular project of ours. As an organisation we see protecting the wild orangutans their rainforest home as a key priority, but we also have a Care Centre for orphaned and rescued orangutans.
Our work is neverending- just as we make headway with one challenge (eg illegal logging) another one such as the proliferation as palm oil plantations comes up.
Just to give you an idea on how much we need (or should I say "can spend") I have given a rough breakdown below.
£1 will pay for the food of an orphaned orangutan in the Care Centre for 1 day
£200 is the cost of translocating one orangutan (eg moving it from a threatened/destroyed patch of forest to a protected area
£450 will purchase 1ha of forest land on Borneo
£2,000 is needed per year to provide us with fire-fighting support for the forest fires
£8,500 is the average cost of rehabilitating a rescued orangutan back to a life in the wild
£10,000 is the annual cost to run Tanjung Puting National Park, home to 4000 wild orangutans and a number of rehabilited orangutans
£30,000 would pay for construction of a new release site, used for returning orangutans to the forest
£100,000 is the cost of running the Belantikan Conservation Project for a year.Belantikan is home to the largest remaining population of wild orangutans in an unprotected area
£150,000 would run the Care Centre for a year
£25,000,000 would set up a trust fund to save orangutans from extinction
Every bit that you donate helps us, as you can see from the above. We have set a target of £5,000 but will be delighted with any figure that we can raise. It all goes to the same worthwhile cause.
Thank you again for showing your support and being part of the day. We do hope that you will continue with your support in years to come.
If you want to read more about our work then please just contact us on or see our website -
(exact link is )
With best wishes from all of us at Orangutan Foundation.
Elly Sanderson