Here we go...... those Bloody Rhinos again :-)
I am joining (Avon Stampede) on Sunday to walk/hike - we
might trot a little if we can - from Bath to Bristol wearing the iconic Save
The Rhino Costume(s) covering the official 26.2m distance still under the formal LM banner but due to social distancing doing the event on our own terms as are many others. As the London Marathon was postponed earlier this year charities like SRi who rely on the
fundraising from the athletes were left reeling, rolling around on the floor in agony from the financial body shot to the liver that was lockdown and isolation caused via Covid-19.
So Avon Stampede took it upon themselves to take on this
fantastic 8-hour walk through Bath and Bristol, to try and salvage whatever we can and if nothing else to surprise a few unsuspecting dog walkers, cyclists, runners and shoppers, not to mention pub goers.
As a friend, colleague , associate, would you make a small donation? Rhino horn is worth more than gold on the illegal black market making
rhino a choice target for illegal poaching. The protection SRi supports via the Rangers and other projects extends to other major wildlife you might be more familiar with eg. Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, Hyena, Giraffe, Honeybadger :-)
Please feel free to donate directly to my page or via one of my team mates who are all ForRangers / Save The Rhino 2019 ultra marathon veterans.
Sincerely, thank you.