Will Rydon and David Roblin successfully completed two Halow250 cycle rides in 2017 and 2018 and the Perfect10 is the tenth and final cycle event that will take place! In a fitting tribute to such a wonderful charity we have now recruited our two sons, Henry Rydon and Oliver Roblin (considerably younger and fitter!!) and will be tackling the Perfect10 Halow250 cycle in three stages on 28th April 2023. The first stage is from London to Portsmouth (80 miles) followed by an overnight ferry crossing to St Malow. Day two takes us through the Normandy countryside back to Caen (120 miles) ending at the Pegasus bridge for a much earned pint! Following a crossing back to Portsmouth, Day 3 is a 50 mile ride back to Guildford where we will meet up with family and friends for a post ride celebration.
Between us we have a modest target of £4000 but would like to exceed this with your help! The monies raised through 2023's event will see a magnificent £1million raised in total for Halow project across the last ten years.