Thank you for visiting the page. Long post warning, but please give it 2 minutes! I have entered and have currently begun training for the Ironman 70.3 in Weymouth. This is a ‘half ironman’ distance event, which comprises of a 1.2mile sea swim, 56 mile bike and finished off with a half marathon 13.1 mile run. For those of you who know me, I struggle to run a bath, let alone a half marathon, so this is a real challenge for me. So far I have spent 3 months in preparatory training to build up enough fitness to start the actual training program. To date, I am down over 2 stone and the training is going well. My target is to complete this in under 6 hours!
I thought that it’s only fair that I try and squeeze a few quid out of you generous lot for a good cause. If anything, it’s probably worth your money just to see me suffer! The charity I have chosen is ‘The Space Centre’ back home in Preston.
The Space Centre is an absolutely amazing facility, which specialises in providing a sensory experience to children with a wide range of disabilities. There are 3 large rooms, fully kitted out with an array of sensory equipment like lights, noises and textures. This provides children and adults with a place to have fun, relax and stimulate senses which wouldn’t be possible elsewhere. We have personally been there with Grace a number of times and she has always enjoyed it and come away having experienced new things (photos below!). It’s the sort of place where having been there, you want to be able to just write them a blank cheque as it’s such a worthy and under-funded cause.
Please have a little look at the website and you can see more information on there.
Any donations would be massively appreciated as I genuinely believe this is a good cause and will help a lot of people.