Every day, 250 more people join the 2 million already living with sight loss. This number is set to double by 2050, which is why our work is more important than ever before, however, we can only continue our life-changing work, such as our guide and buddy dog services, mobility training, education support, sighted guides and much more with your support. With your support, we can help children and adults to live actively, independently, and well. What your donations can buy: £8 could support a working guide dog partnership for a day. £16 could buy a coat for one of our puppies in training. £29 could provide a child with an hour of support with an Habilitation Specialist. £48 enables us produce a tailor-made, large print book for a child with sight loss, so they they can enjoy reading just like their friends. £125 could buy a starter kit for a new guide dog owner, containing everything they need to start life wither their new guide dog.