Pupils at Northwood Prep enjoy a rich educational experience that is varied, and which strongly meets the school’s aims to ensure that "everyone is someone".
Many generations of pupils have benefited greatly from the education they have received. Northwood Prep has a strong academic tradition. Pupils make good progress and attain high academic standards, with well over a hundred scholarships and awards being won to senior schools over the last decade.
At the same time, we aim not only to deliver high levels of teaching and learning but to cater for the needs of each pupil through an extensive range of extra-curricular activities. Our intention is to make sure that every boy has the opportunity to develop his nonacademic interests and abilities as well. In this way pupils can build self-confidence and self-esteem that will enhance every aspect of their experience.
Since our move to Moor Farm in 1983, a major programme of improvements at the school has been in progress. In order to match our aspiration to develop a world class outlook we have been purposefully improving standards of accommodation and educational resources. This has culminated in an outstanding Independent Schools’ Inspection Report, published in February 2007.
We now wish to move the school forward with an ambitious and essential development plan that will confirm our position at the forefront of preparatory school education in the north west London area. The school needs to bring its facilities for the performing arts – drama and music – and sports up to the highest possible standards. While the school is able to fund part of the planned development, it simply does not have the resources to fund the three proposed developments at once. We are therefore launching an appeal to which we hope you will give your full support.