Thank you for logging onto our JustGiving page, let us tell you a little about what we are hoping to do and why.
We are a group of staff and friends from Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHCT) who are raising money for the Trust charity. NHCT manage 10 hospitals across Northumberland and North Tyneside. The Trust also provides adult social care in Northumberland.
On Thursday 29 September, we are embarking on a gruelling three day challenge, cycling Coast to Coast from Whitehaven to Tynemouth.
As you know charitable funds makes a significant difference to the quality of the patients experience by providing extras that increase comfort, promote a healing environment or enable new and innovative treatments to take place.
Charitable funds have recently funded the following:
· ultrasound equipment which can help with the diagnosis of lung cancer
· facilities for patients’ families to stay overnight
· brightly coloured cups for dementia patients
We would be extremely grateful for any support you can give.
Thank you
Riders taking part are as follows:
Tony Parker
Dennis Clasper
David Johnson
Carole Thomas
Geoff Thomas
Sadiq Bawa
Simon Pestell
Millicent Waller
Florence Waller
Anselme Uwihanganye
Joanne Raffell
Ben Stobbs
David Cooney
Martin Ellis
Gill Crompton
Lorraine Wren
Joyce Wotherspoon
Bill Wotherspoon
Dominic Raymont
Gordon Bloomfield
Ian Cleghorn
Gary "Munga" Main
Dan Salmon
Ian Goulbourne
Linda Goulbourne
Chris Yorke
Chris Tunn
Neil Wood
Nigel Glasper
Sam Davidson
Denise Patterson