Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is a rare and often aggressive type of breast cancer that doesn’t respond to many of the effective and known breast cancer treatments. TNBC also tends to be more prevalent in Black, Latina and pre-menopausal women. As many of you know, I was diagnosed with TNBC in 2014, and through the amazing support of the TNBC Foundation, was quickly connected with wonderful resources and doctors, treated successfully, and am doing great! March 3 (which coincidentally was the date I found the lump in my breast) is
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day -- the only global event dedicated to raising both awareness and funds exclusively for triple negative breast cancer. In March, 100% of all funds donated to the TNBC Foundation will be DEDICATED EXCLUSIVELY TO TNBC SPECIFIC RESEARCH.
We had a fundraiser in 2015, just after I completed my treatment, and are excited to host another TNBC Day event on March 1 of this year! Sue Karten Mancall (from SKM Collection) is generously hosting our fundraiser at SKM Collection, 419 Worcester Road. (Tevya friends, Sue has been hosting Ellen Martin Ades' JRA fundraiser for 13 years!)
Laura Sutherland I will be there all day and would love to see you! You’ll LOVE everything in the store 😊 and a percentage of sales will be donated directly to the TNBC Foundation.
If you’re out of town or not able to attend, please also feel free to donate at this link…