Hi; my name is Nishat Ahmed. I have created my own just giving page; alongside with the Ummah Welfare Trust to be able to raise money for those who are less fortunate than us during the month of Ramadan. This is for those who have been through the fire and the storm yet come through the core of it still appreciating life more than most of us. I decided to create this page not only because of it being such a Holy month, in which the Ummah unite in order to benefit their own souls as well as to please our Lord Himself. I created this page because I have always wanted to give others the ability to have even the slightest bit of the worlds privileges that we have been given; which we take for granted' such as clean water, stability, our homes, shelter, the warmth of our loved ones and feeling safe.
Alhamdullilah to those who have the courage to continue on with life despite all the destruction around them, whether it be due to poverty, war or the worlds most bitter disasters. I have made this page to help those who need our support the most. This is the perfect time of year to help others and increase your rewards for the hereafter. Do not stutter when thinking about how little of big your donation should be; Charity does not matter about the quantity that you give but more so the sincerity of your donation. I encourage you all to donate what you can; make dua for those who are no longer with us to witness another year of Ramadan and those who are suffering deeply more so than our hearts could ever understand.
We are meant to unite as an Ummah, bud sadly our Ummah seems to be falling apart. We do not appreciate what we have nor accept each other for who we are as individuals. Sects, colour, beliefs, ethinicity do not matter when looking at the atrocities they have to suffer; yet we fail to acknowledge the pain in their eyes, the rawness behind each tear, as each voice cracks we fail to see that this is their life whilst we live in the better place of this Dunya full of destruction. He created us to join together and help each other; so ask yourself, how will you help our Ummah? What will you say to our Almighty on the Day Of Judgment Day when he asks you, what did you do to protect and help our Ummah? 'This Ummah is one body, if one part is hurt we all feel pain'
May Allah guide us all, grant us and give us Sabr and the ability to achieve all that we wish to in our present life. However, do not get so lost in this Dunya that you forget the purpose of why you were put on this Earth.I hope you all have a blissful Ramadan with your loved ones, filled with smiles, happiness, repenting souls and i hope that you all are content with life. In Sha Allah.
Whether or not you are Muslim, I do hope that you donate and help those who have not been given the luxuries that you have been given, nor have the support of their loved ones due to no longer being around. Appreciate your life and give to those who have little to nothing in this world.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope that you all donate what you can and just keep giving, during Ramadan and after it; In Sha Allah. For further details on the Ummah Welfare Trust, do take a minute to have a look at their website:
Nishat Ahmed.