Hi, my name is Nikki
Just before Christmas last year we had the news that we had been dreading. My 12 year old daughter Skyla had a lump on her back which was confirmed as a rare type of cancer, a soft tissue sarcoma called DFSP.
We soon became aware of how little is known or understood about sarcoma.
It’s been a tough year but Skyla has been incredibly brave - through all the surgery which has been successful in removing the DFSP.
Derriford Hospital has been nothing short of amazing, in particular the specialist teams who look after Skyla and Plym children’s theatres.
So, to do something positive I’ve signed up to swim/run/cycle 500km. I was hoping to swim most of this but with pools closed at the moment I’m going to be doing more running! My sister, Anna, is joining me so in reality we’re doing 1000km to help raise awareness and funds for Sarcoma UK. So any help with doing this would be very much appreciated 😊
# cancerhasntstopped