All our doctors, medical and nursing students come from the remotest villages high up in the Himalayas, so this ride will be the perfect way to raise much-needed funds to improve healthcare in rural Nepal. The route will be two big loops setting out each morning from Hawes in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The rides have been chosen for road quality, scenic beauty, rideability and simplicity of directions. This is not an easy ride the North Face ride is 95km with an ascent of 1,710m, and the South Face ride is 125km with an ascent of 1,660m. It is challenging in places with steep ramps and the amount of climbing involved means that the cycling will be long, hard and will require stamina.
But just imagine what it's like for people living in the remote villages in Nepal. Sometimes they have to walk for 9 days to reach their nearest health-post, it's not guaranteed there will be a doctor there to treat them, and then, once treated they must walk 9 days to get home again.