Adjusted targets as some family and friends paid cheques direct to Cavendish Care.
Cavendish Cancer Care is a local independent charity that supports cancer patients and their families. Last year we supported more than 1600 local families affected by cancer. Every one of those people were able to pick up the phone and get an appointment within 5 working days days enabling them to access a free of charge package of care and support centred around their needs. Cavendish receive just enough statutory funding to keep it's doors open for about two weeks each year, put simply they need your help.
On 3rd March, the day of this event it will be exactly 12 years to the day since I was told I had cancer. 12 months of surgery and treatment, the side and after effects was made bearable because of the wonderful care and support Cavendish Care gave me and my family. Whether it was the exhaustion of the treatment, the pain, learning to adapt to a life time of side effects, coping with the fear or dealing with the anxiety, they were there for us all.
I am forever grateful and want to ensure these fabulous services remain available and accessible for anyone who needs them.
I'm walking, and not running like Byron and Beth because my chemotherapy has left me with pheriferal neuropathy which means my feet literally feel like they are burning when they pound on the ground. It's the therapy I received from Cavendish Care that helped me learn the manage my neuropathy.