Thanks for taking the time to visit my just giving page.
On the 2nd June 2024 along with some colleagues, friends and family I will be walking the Aberdeen Kiltwalk in aid of Penumbra Mental Health.
For 12 long years ( and they have been long) I have suffered with challenges with my mental health. I have gone through highs and lows and been down as low as it is as possible to be.
I am a son, a brother, a husband, a father and a friend, but most of all I am a survivor and now every day I live to give back and support others in their journey with poor mental health.
My mental health is my weakness but it is also my superpower. It has reshaped my life and had influence on my family and my career. I am not healed but I am well and I accept that I have to live with it everyday.
I try to make a positive difference to peoples lives daily. Any help and support you can give me now will help and support others with mental health challenges. One in five of the population will face a challenge with their mental health everyday. That effectively means in an average sized family someone you know and love will struggle. It could be you.
Please dig deep to help me reach my goal, every penny ( and I do mean every penny) will help.
Thank you guys. Forever in your debt.