The Great Manchester Run, britain's biggest 10k is approaching on Sunday May 20th.
I will be running alongside some colleagues from the cardiovascular research group at the University of Manchester to raise funds for the BHF, who support much of our work. Once we have completed the run, we shall be heading over to man a stall at the charity village, providing the public with information on the risk factors for heart disease, and what can be done to lower these.
As a warm up to this event, I shall also be undertaking my first marathon on Sunday April 29th in Manchester, and as a cool down will be tackling a series of fell races in the lake district in the autumn - that should be a total of around 100km racing!!
Your donation will help the BHF to continue their fantastic work in supporting those who suffer from cardiovascular disease, whilst helping us to find new ways of treating a group of diseases which claim more lives in this country than any other.