Anyone who knows me will know that I am not a natural athlete and would much rather watch (and shout at) others running around in the name of my team than actually put on some trainers myself. That said, the importance of the work, research and support that The Christie do for cancer suffers has come into sharp focus for me over the last 12 months and so I am keen to do what I can to help them carry on this work.
When thinking about how to raise money the idea of being sponsored to watch Sheffield Wednesday appealed but I had my doubts as to whether it would get much uptake (although over the last few months watching the mighty… owls has been more masochistic than me hauling my podge over 10k could ever be!) so I have decided to do the Bupa Great Manchester Run with James to raise what we can for The Christie and cancer research and care.
I would be really grateful if you would sponsor me (even if for only the price of a couple of beers). It's simple, fast and secure through and please remember to add gift aid.
Thanks again,