In late 2020, my eighty year old father Paul became an internet sensation when footage of him at the piano, improvising a stunningly beautiful piece of music based on four random notes, went viral. Within weeks, the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra had recorded an accompaniment and, before we knew it, Four Notes - Paul's Tune had topped the sales charts, got into the Top 40 and raised more than £1m for Alzheimer's Society and Music for Dementia.
Dad lives with dementia. He proves that even though dementia can be pretty shitty, it doesn't need to define you.
Envious of my father's fundraising prowess, I have decided to run the Edinburgh Marathon this year to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society.
Well, I say 'run'... I'm actually going to be doing the caterpillar over the finishing line.
Why? Because, quite simply, doing the caterpillar is what I'm best at. I'm a bloody awesome caterpillarer. In fact, sometimes I wonder if I might be more caterpillar than human.