The Sue Ryder Organisation says .... "
"Some people believe that once you have a life-changing illness, there's little left. We don't. We believe it's the beginning of a new stage of life. A challenging one, true".
Having had a friend taken by cancer earlier in the year, and several others going through treatment now, I really feel compelled to help contribute in some small way to one of the many organisations that's provides help to people suffering with long term illness.
The Sue Ryder organisation says ... "We start with the person as an individual with their strengths, characteristics, preferences and aspirations. Then we help them to be at the centre of the process of identifying their needs. We do this, so they're enabled to make choices about how and when they're supported to live their lives".
From a selfish perspective, theres nothing like thinking you might be doing something positive for others to get you out in the morning, or after a hard days work to train for an event that DOES test your metal and resolve, not only on the day, but for several months leading up to it....