Monday 23rd March day 1 of my 12 WEEK period of isolation. Like many other people across the country, because of my diabetes and asthma, I have been asked to isolate for 12 weeks without leaving my home.
I am seeing all my amazing team members pulling together to make sure we are there, continuing our incredible support for seriously ill children and their families, whilst I am stuck here steering the ship from my kitchen table. I am so desperate to do something personally to help. How will I do this you might ask? Well, I may not be able to run a marathon and let’s be honest, I probably wouldn’t have even if I was allowed out, so.…..there is one thing I can do from the safety of my home. I have decided to grow my beard for Camp Simcha from now until the day I can again leave my home. Monday was my last shave. You may be pleased I’m in isolation and you can’t see me face to face by the time I’m finished, but I will continue to share updates with you on Camp Simcha’s Facebook page so please follow me there.
Please donate and help me do my bit for those families who urgently need Camp Simcha right now.