Well folks, firstly thanks for taking the time to visit my page.
For those of you who may or may not know, I was knocked down in 1988 which resulted in traumatic perthes disease. Any way to cut a very long story short, I got my hip replacement on November 10th in Musgrave Park Hospital. Before the operation I couldn’t walk 1 mile without any pain & discomfort.
With my 'new hip' my life has been transformed which now empowers me to do more with something that we all take for granted! So, what is he on about, I hear you say... well..
My little nephew Joseph is life limited. Mum, Dad & he receive great care & support from the NI Children’s Hospice. With my new lease of life I want to help give something back by raising funds for the Horizon West Appeal (link) and will be doing the following sponsored activities (with your help I hope!);
- NI Hospice 3.5 mile walk around the grounds of Belfast Castle on 2nd April
- Belfast Marathon 9 mile walk on May 2nd
So please give what you can and sponsor me for this worthwhile cause.. thank you.