I am going to run the London Marathon one more time! I could not run in 2023 due to calf injury but I will make the start line in 2024 and I am challenging myself to run under 3h30m. But most importantly, I wanted to do one more run to honour my niece, Lillie, who died at the age of fifteen of diffuse midline gliome (DIPG) in July 2021. She was extraordinary and fearless; she would want me to keep fundraising and help other children with cancer. DIPG affects almost exclusively children and has no cure. It appears suddenly in healthy children and is terminal upon diagnosis. The average survival time is less than a year after diagnosis. Currently, all care is palliative, though there are important clinical trials working towards a cure. As an amateur runner, I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate in the London Marathon by raising money for a charity that helps fund research for paediatric cancers. If you would like to know more about Lillie, please read about her here: Please consider donating to my marathon challenge to help Children with Cancer UK invest in research that could help cure childhood cancers. At Children with Cancer UK, we actively raise and invest money for vital specialist research to save the lives of every child with cancer and keep their family together. Through our investment in research, we are taking forward our understanding of childhood cancer, to give new insights into ways of treating young patients with even the most difficult forms of cancer. We are working to drive up the survival rate still further by developing more effective curative therapies with fewer toxic side effects.