Once again, I am hopeful that with group action, we can help the situation in India a little.
I will be fasting for 48 hours from midnight on Monday 17th May to midnight 19th May and hope that you will be kind enough to sponsor my efforts. All your funds will be matched by Barclays so I hope this incentivises you to dig deep.
The news is not exaggerating how things are, in fact, I don’t think it completely captures the desperation being felt by millions of people in India.
I won’t say much more than that except please help support my friend Jaydeep and his team to help underprivileged families in Calcutta.
Jaydeep is a British Indian who moved to Calcutta and runs Calcutta Rescue (a medical charity). I hope this reassures you that your money will be used in the right way and most importantly to provide urgent help !
Thank you.