This year Tesco has partnered with another great charity! DiABETES UK.
So I have decided to jump off a 160 foot crane with giant elastic bands strapped to my ankles in the hopes of making a small difference to millions of people.
DiABETES UK is the leading UK charity that cares connects and campaigns on behalf of every person affected by or at risk of diabetes. With around 3.8 MILLION people with diabetes and an estimated 850,000 with type 2 diabetes that don’t know it, giving just a little can help a lot.
As well as funding research into care, cure, and prevention, DiABETES UK also helps people manage their diabetes effectively by providing information, advice, and support.
Every penny you raise will be turned into life-changing support. Here are just some of the ways your money can help:
· £1 funds giving essential information about managing diabetes to someone newly diagnosed
· £5 will fund vital information to support people to manage their diabetes, helping them to avoid devastating complications
· £95 funds the cost of keeping our Careline open for 30 minutes, providing a lifeline for someone worried, confused or vulnerable.
Remember that donating via JustGiving and additional 25% will be claimed via GiftAid at no extra cost, so dig deep!
Thanks for taking the time to look at my page!