Hi All!
I’m doing these bike rides again this year in aid of Christie’s. Should both be good and I’m hoping to raise as much as I can really. I’m also going to try and beat 4 hours 15 for the Blackpool ride as this was what I achieved as a time 2 years ago.
If you fancy giving anything just do it through this site can even be done via PayPal now too and it will all go to Christie’s.
UPDATE: Completed Liverpool bike ride in just short of 3 hours, I was hoping to do it quicker than this but lack of energy got the better of me! Will train much harder for Blackpool and take plenty of sugary things!! Had a great day though nice and hot with everyone that turned out.
Blackpool is on 12th July!!
See you soon x
UPDATE: Completed Blackpool bike ride in 5 hours, too much congestion, heavy winds and an idiotic woman slowed us down a bit but did it fine and had a good day! Cheers to everyone that sponsored me.