Hi, I’m Nathan.
I was raising money for Fight for Sight by carrying out 2 aerial adventures helping provide vital research into a condition I suffer with, please read on!
Over the past 3 years I have completed 2 aerial adventures raising money for charity.
In August 2017 I abseiled 262ft from the ArcelorMittal Orbit, dangling in free space 80 meters from the ground in London. I raised over £1,100 for Fight for Sight.
In August 2018 I skydived 10,000ft, plummeting to the ground from 3050 metres. I raised over £1,000 for Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex.
I decided this wasn’t enough and I want to go even higher, so I committed to 2 more adventures seeking adrenaline.
On 1st August 2020 I completed a skydive from 15,000ft, once more plummeting to the ground from 4570 metres. Freefalling for 60 seconds over the Salisbury Plains.
On 10th September 2020 I dropped 430ft, again dangling in free space 130 metres from the ground after I fleed from the Viewing Tower of the British Airways i360 located at the heart of Brighton’s Coastline.
I challenged myself to these events to raise money for Fight for Sight.
Fight for Sight fund pioneering research to prevent sight loss and eye disease.
I suffer from an Eye Condition called Keratoconus; this affects the cornea which is the clear round-shaped front surface of the eye. This becomes progressively thinner and weaker over time. The changes cause me blurred and distorted sight and it prevents the light that enters my eyes from being correctly focused as well as being very sensitive.
I was diagnosed with Keratoconus in both of my eyes 5 years ago and since I have had 4 surgeries to help slow down the progression and attempt to correctly reshape my corneas again, so my vision is more easily assisted with glasses.
It is through amazing work by my Optician for spotting it and the remarkable team at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead that I have as much vision as I do today. This is why I think it is very important to raise vital funds for research into such an uncertain eye condition that affects many most of which being under the age of 20. Even scientists do not understand exactly what causes Keratoconus.
Please join my Fight for Sight and be part of the next breakthrough by donating to my JustGiving page and help me exceed my fundraising goal.
By 2050 there may be more than 4 million people living in the UK with sight loss. We don’t want that to happen.
I would also like you to know that I paid for both events myself, so all of your donation goes to Fight for Sight.