I have worked at Weston Park Hospital since 2004 in the Radiotherapy planning department. My mum was diagnosed with cancer in her mouth in October 2016 and had surgery and Radiotherapy. In June 2017 the cancer has progressed and she then had 5 months of chemotherapy. My mum sadly lost her battle with cancer on 21st Febuary 2018.
As part of my 40th year I was already signed up to swim the length of Windermere and now it means even more and gives me a purpose to do it. I will be taking on my challenge on 21st August 2018 exactly 6 months from when I lost my mum.
I have learnt so much over that past 16 months about the journey that patients go on that I never really knew even though I work in that environment. As a member of Weston Park staff we always want to improve and strive to be the best, sometimes we need to improve the services for patients or sometimes we require equipment that helps us do our job more efficiently and effectively. This is where the charity can help us, it supports us to be able to fund vital resources for staff and patients.
Please support my swim in memory of my mum and for others that also require the help, support and treatment now and in the future.
Thank you