This photo, taken 15 years ago, is of two old friends, Emilie and Natasha (Flash), who, on Sunday 25th June will be shaking our hips for 6 hours non-stop at the #ShakeItInSisterhood danceathon for women survivors of war and conflict, organised by Women for Women International.
It's been far too long since we've hit the dancefloor together, so please support us in getting sweaty and uncoordinated to raise a minimum of £500 for women survivors of war and conflict in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Sudan. Funds raised will help them to rebuild their lives, their families and communities through Women for Women International's Stronger Women, Stronger Nations Programme.
By sponsoring us to pull out our best (and rusty) moves together, non-stop for 6 hours, looking ridiculous in the process, you can support women to form networks, acquire new income-generating skills and find knowledge/resources on their health and human rights.