Another fundraising event I hear you cry - and you would of course be right! However, this one is especially important to me, Kerrie, my close friends and everyone who knew Tone, Ant, Anthony, Crazy Tone; our mate.
St Barnabas House had the pleasure of having Tone join them for some of the last weeks of his life. Hospices such as this one, REALLY DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE - just ask his wife Kerrie.
Although, training has been challenging, wrongly self absorbing and ever so slightly painful, I will, along with my brother:
Swim 1.5 KM in the sea / Cycle 40 KM (on land, you will be glad to know) / Run (crawl possibly) 10 KM
and every step of the way I will think of the most positive person I have ever met in Tone and one of the people I am most inspired by and proud of - Kerrie, his equally beautiful wife.
When it hurts, it won't really.
Please help me raise some money for something I truly believe in.