As many of you already know I am now 25 weeks pregnant and I was a fitness fanatic before my news! I have lost a little bit of motivation and drive since being pregnant and need a goal to challenge myself. I have decided to complete a 30 Day Challenge starting on the 1st Sep ending on the 30 Sep 14, consisting of 1 km swim on day 1, and 1 mile run on day 2, alternating the swim and run every day. Now to most of you it doesn't seem like a hard challenge, however, I would say that myself if I wasn't pregnant...I have to be a little bit careful!! The AGC det will be joining me throughout the day events so please dig deep and support this worthy cause. They are a small charity, not many people have heard of them, so this is why I am doing it for BLESMA
THANK YOU and I hope to see you there for your support, come along and join any day!! Xx