My Grandma went into 'St.Gemma's' when she was too ill with Cancer to be looked after at home. My Grandma said that 'Gemma's' was were she wanted to be. She got her wish and spent her last weeks there. The staff did an amazing job looking after my Grandma's every need and ensuring she was always free from pain. They always made sure my Grandma had everything she wanted and that she felt comfortable and relaxed. Family and friends always recieved a warm welcome from the staff while visiting.
`St.Gemma's` have fantastic facilities for patients, even beauty therapy, my Grandma loved having Jacuzzi's there! `St.Gemma's` Hospice have specialist nursing and care with highly experienced staff. They offer expert advice and support for both their patients and close ones and also have a catering service to suit each patient.
I have recently taken part in `Walk In Their Shoes` sponsored walk to raise money for 'St.Gemma's`. Im doing a `Sponsored Dog Walk` next month. I know my Grandma would be very pleased. I want to do this in honour of my wonderful Grandma and support and raise money for this amazing hospice.