Encryption is crucial to protect all sorts of private information and communications that flows through the Internet's pipes.
It helps keep our bank accounts from getting drained, our medical records from getting leaked, and the private conversations we have with our children online private. That's because encryption protects the information we share online from being intercepted or seen by other people. It means people can communicate with another person, safe in the knowledge no-one is listening in.
But encryption is in danger: some policymakers and law enforcement are putting our strongest digital security shield at risk by trying to ban or weaken encryption. Why? Because they think this is the best solution to catching criminals who use encryption too.The problem is, giving 'the good guys' a way in to your private life also creates a skeleton key for anyone else that wants in - including the criminals we all want to keep out.
The threat to encryption is massive, but on Global Encryption Day, together, can we defend it!
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Read more about why encryption is important to keep our kids safe online: