Ralph's story:
Eight hours after birth Ralph crashed and had to be resuscitated. Bruises covered his head and the majority of his body; he was put on a ventilator and in an induced coma. The cause is still a mystery to the doctors but it has left him with brain damage and paralysis below his waist (T12).
Nearly two years on, despite his parents being told that he would never sit or crawl, Ralph has regained some sensory in the legs, he can crawl and he can sit unaided for short periods of time. Ralph’s incredible recovery has been due to the intense private rehabilitation he has undertaken at Neurokinex Kids, a spinal rehabilitation centre near Gatwick London. Ralph has undergone research based pioneering therapy that was founded at the Frazier Rehab Institute, Louisville
Although Ralph has made huge progress he is still unable to bear any weight on his legs, his ankles haven’t formed fully and his muscle and bone growth continue to be compromised. Without therapy a couple of times a week, Ralph will likely need to be braced on his back and his legs 24 hours a day to avoid further damage including scoliosis and his bowel and bladder control will deteriorate to the point of full management.
In the UK the NHS medical system’s strategy for Ralph has been to maintain him rather than encourage recovery and healing. Ralph’s parents have hope; hope that Ralph will continue to be healed, hope in the pioneering research that is taking place all over the world and hope that with the support of those that love Ralph he will have every opportunity for a future of true independence.
Ralph's financial needs:
Ralphs private rehabilitation costs around £10,000 a year for a couple of sessions each week.