UPDATE - the total has been reached - thanks to all for your generous contributions.
Many have heard about my charity adventures earlier this year : sailing with the Jubilee Sailing Trust, first across the Atlantic, and then from Cork back to the UK. The ship adaptations mean that disabled and non-disabled sail side by side; all trying new things including many climbing the mast, wheelchair and all. Things are often described as "life-changing" - these sailing trips really do make a difference, showing people the great things they can achieve with the right outlook and teamwork, and extending this into daily life, too.
Colleagues have asked me whether I was fundraising for the charity - well, I am now! The JST Trustees want to put the charity funding on a firmer footing to enable them to keep sailing into the future, so have set an ambitious goal for the coming week. I confess I was sceptical, though they're 25% of the way there already, so it's certainly within their grasp! With your support, they will be able to continue their life-changing work so please dig deep.
If the trustees do decide that its future is not viable, these donations will be returned to you. Here's what the Trustees themselves have got to say : "Our objective is to urgently raise £1m of unrestricted funds by Friday July 5th 2019 to ensure that the JST can continue to deliver inclusive adventures at sea. If we are unable to reach this target, then it is likely that the JST's activities will cease immediately, unless the Trustees can find another viable solution to our funding situation which allows us to continue operating responsibly."