Many of you will know I left my corporate job with the dream of setting up an employability programme for survivors of trafficking. The Sophie Hayes Foundation is an amazing charity I have had the privilege of leading for the last three years, delivering employability and confidence building workshops to survivors of trafficking across London through our Day 46 Programme. We have seen over 100 women through the programme, accessing over 90 training, education or work placement opportunities through our support. We will soon be expanding out of London to reach even more survivors across the UK.
To allow the charity to grow, I have decided to step back to allow a full time CEO to come into role, who can give more time and has more experience, allowing me to continue to support the cause in other ways and as a volunteer. As I step back from leading the charity, I would like to give a gift of some funds to make the new CEO's job a little easier and to allow us to continue to maximise our impact! Please support me in donating as I get colourful on this 3K run with my team!