Hi all! Thank you for taking some time out of your day to donate money towards this amazing cause!
Unfortunately this year both my Auntie and Grandma lost very short battles to cancer, during which time Macmillan did the most amazing job in helping both of these extremely special women and also many of my family members to go through this ordeal with some of our troubles being taken of our shoulders.
However, as my family have always been one to find a light at the end of the tunnel, my two wonderful cousins have organised for us all to be put through our paces and attempt to run 10K on what is expected to be a very cold winters morning. This is in memory of my Auntie Grace who was a very keen runner and who should have not long been back from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and to raise some money as a thank you from us all to help the future needs of Macmillan.
A huge thank you to anybody who donates and if you're feeling daring, please feel free to come and join us on what will be a lovely morning running around Ponton Chase, one of my Aunties favourite courses.