To mark the centenary anniversary of our founder’s birth, on 7th September 2017 I am walking 100 miles from his birthplace in Chester to his wartime base at RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire between 4th and 9th of September.
Please help us raise £1 million with the centenary 100 for 100 challenge.
Throughout the year our 6,500 staff and 3,000 volunteer team are undertaking 100 for 100 challenges to raise our profile and secure funds to help us support more than 30,000 people with disabilities around the world. I hope to raise £10,000 from my walk to fund a new Livelihood Resource Centre supporting young disabled people to secure work.
I am being joined for part or all of the journey by my Executive Director
colleagues and we only need 100 people to sponsor us £1 a mile to make our target. Any help that you can provide is very much appreciated.
The Leonard Cheshire story is a remarkable one with more than 200 organisations in 54 countries bearing his name. With courage, kindness and respect one of the greatest humanitarian Britons had a profound impact on the world, to learn more check out 100 stories and rewind.
Thank you for your support.
Chief Executive of Leonard Cheshire Disability