What would transform your life? For a small community in Myanmar, the answer is a bridge. Currently they are cut-off. A bridge across the valley would transform their lives.
Tearfund (see more below) has set up a 'self-help group' in this village, encouraging locals to work together to leave poverty behind them. The local community is empowered to identify and meet their specific challenges. One significant challenge they have identified is their lack of physical connection with the wider society. Currently they only have a narrow and decrepit bridge, which all supplies are carried across by hand. The group have decided to replace it. These inspiring people have already organised labour, sand, gravel, masons and carpenters, but they need our help with the last bit.
Our Impact:Life group (see more below) is aiming to raise £2000 to pay for the remaining raw materials, including steel suspension rope and cement. Please help us (Lucy, Ben, Josh, Robyn, Rowan, Anugrah, Sarge, Zhen, and Hannah) towards our target. Any additional money raised will go to support other Tearfund projects.
About Tearfund - Tearfund is a Christian charity called to follow Jesus wherever the need is greatest. They work with poor communities, marginalised groups and the vulnerable. They have reached over 29 million people through community development projects, and 12 million people through disaster relief programs.
About Impact:Life - As a small group of Christian young professionals, we have come together to commit our prayers, energy and finances to supporting a Tearfund project in Myanmar. Over the last two years we have been astonished to see big changes in these isolated communities, encouraged by stories of improved health, better nutrition and new jobs, and have enjoyed socialising and working together as a group. Find out more (including how you could join a group) at: http://www.tearfund.org/en/about_you/impact_life/