Marie Curie is there to support everyone in the UK through all aspects of dying, death and bereavement and to fight for a society where everyone gets to have the best experience possible at the end of their lives. We support the NHS by providing frontline care. Marie Curie Nurses, Hospices and Support Line help people along with their family and friends through their final years, months, days and hours of life. Your support has an immeasurable impact on the lives of people affected by terminal illness, death and bereavement across the UK It costs £20 for a Marie Curie Nurse to provide an hour of expert care and emotional support for someone living with a terminal illness, in the comfort of their own home. When youre going through the complex emotions of watching someone you love reach the end of their life, you want someone next to you whos calm, reassuring and knowledgeable. Someone who knows just what to do, and just what to say to make you feel supported.