Beforereading, please remember this: EVERYONE HAS A HEART! So the work of the BritishHeart Foundation (BHF) can help us all. Every year, 40,000 premature deaths inthe UK are caused by heart disease. This includes heart attacks, angina andstrokes. BHF aims to research, diagnose, prevent and raise awareness aroundthese preventable conditions.
Donating the price of a glass of wine to our cause (text'MRRY66 £3' to 70070) will help to make a difference through heart diseasediagnosis, care, prevention and research.
Thestory....Back in 2012, Sarah & James conquered Norway for the Make a Wishfoundation! We dogsled 200km in the freezing cold, looked after 100 crazyhuskies and camped in the snow – but it wasn’t in vain, we raised £10k.
BecauseSarah was by far the better musher (or so she says) James' competitive spiritkicked in. We want charity challenge round 2! This time we'll be cycling237miles in three days from London to Paris. And in doing so, we'll raise £1,500 for BHF and £1,500 for ‘Women vCancer’ (for more info on this charity, please go to ).
Thechallenge is just 5 days after we getmarried – so even more special. The first adventure for the Murrays!
Let the challenge begin J