Thanks for visiting my page.
As many of you will know (and for those that don't, trust me it's all true) I have been aiming to do a marathon for a while now. However, due to a couple of injuries I have unfortunately failed again this year . Therefore in an attempt at redemption I have signed up to to do TWO half marathons. What? "On the same day?" I hear you cry. Well no, not quite.They are a month and 315 miles apart.
The first one is the 'Run to the Beat' in Greenwich on 27 September and the second one is the 'Great Cumbrian Run' on 25 October. I will be raising money for The Stroke Association so please give generously as you probably know already - I work there - so a tiny, tiny, incy, wincy little bit of your donation will go in my pocket! The rest will go towards helping the 1 million people living with the effects of stroke in the UK or the 150,000 people that will have a stroke in the next 12 months.
So please dig deep and donate as little or as much as you feel you can.
Cheers (and trust me, there will be some clinking of glasses going on after this!)
Richard Munts Mounty SBC Mountford esq.