Grayson was born at 29 weeks weighing 2lb 5oz after my waters fully ruptured at 24 weeks with no replenishment. Whilst we were prepared for our baby to go into neonatal we weren’t prepared for our hard it would be. We spent 80 long days in neonatal including our first Christmas. We weren’t allowed to touch Grayson for the first 3 days and when we were eventually allowed to hold him we had to ask and it wasn’t for long periods of time. Bliss provided information on how we could bond with Grayson without having to hold him, or how we could provide comfort through the incubator for him. The information we received really helped us to understand our journey more and become more involved in the parent role. The milestone cards they provided us for free really helped us to celebrate every little thing and have us positive things to look forward to. Grayson is now nearly 3 and is a big brother to his sister Betsy also born prematurely (36 weeks) Thankfully Betsy did not need any neonatal care but there isn’t a day that goes by when we aren’t thankful for what they did for us.
During the COVID-19 crisis, babies have continued to need neonatal care. Only now, many parents have faced further separation due to restrictions to how they can stay to care for their babies, and other family members not being able to visit in hospital or their home.Bliss has worked to adapt their services throughout the pandemic, with their volunteers training to offer support to parents by video call, keeping up to date with research, campaigning for parents to be able to care for their babies in the units and providing information leaflets free of charge to all UK neonatal units.The cost of providing this has been a challenge for Bliss with so many fundraising events not being able to go ahead this year.We need Bliss to continue to be there for babies. Please give generously if you can and sponsor me for my Little Lights walk.