Mudasir's Syria Winter Appeal

Online Awareness · 20 March 2020
Brothers and sister purify your wealth!
☆Upon occasion Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan complained to the Prophet SAW of his excessive wealth and the vastness of his money. The Prophet SAW replied "if you want to decrease your wealth then stop giving in charity." i.e. Charity increases the blessing in ones wealth.
-Out of the 100% money we are earning how much percentage are we giving for the sake of Allah?
-These people are living in tents on wet and muddy lands. Many have lost family members, their homes and their wealth.
-The least you can do is donate a blanket or provide snacks for them.
-If you cannot do this then how will you answer Allah on the day of judgement, when even 1p from your wealth could help make a difference.
Below is the list of things you can contribute towards:-
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