Howdy folk,
Chances are if you're here, reading this page, then you already know me. About a year ago, I couldn't run at all, couldn't get round the block without being paggered.
One year on.......and I'm still not very good, really. But I am better, and a lot more willing, and after pushing myself to do the Sunderland 10km in May, I'm now doing the Great North Run. A whole 13.1m of running and jogging and walking and cursing to the Gods about "why did I do this to myself".
I'm running it for an amazing charity. KidsCan is a bloody marvellous cause - if you look just to the right of this diatribe I am penning, you will see a brilliant description of the work they do. Basically, research ways to develop new ways to treat children with cancer, and to improve the current ways.
If you can, please spare a little sponsorship for it, it really is a special cause.
I'd like to thank everyone in advance for any sponsorship and support they offer me. It really is much appreciated.