Thank you for taking the time to visit this page. My aim is to raise awareness and to prove that talking about our own mental state is actually ok, to not be embarrassed by how we are feeling. Also to realise, to not feel ok and ask for help is actually ok too. Anxiety is something I've always suffered with from a young age, up until present. Gradually getting worse over recent times, resulting to depression.
I've learnt through some of the toughest times of my life that TO TALK is the very best medicine. Many people/friends have listened to me and tried there very best to understand, to not judge, to just listen. They've helped me the most. I am lucky to have support around me. I thank them all for this.
This head shave means the world to me, I'm doing this along four other friends who've helped me no end through my recent struggles.
Please help us by supporting us and to raise awareness for mental health.
Lets talk.