We all know the living standards and level of poverty in Azad Kashmir subhanAllah. With families working extremely hard to provide for their families so what happens when one of them becomes ill or in a fatal accident? Where does a very poor family find money to cover their medical costs? When their child becomes very sick, or someone's elderly mother or father needs kidney dialysis treatment?
This ramadan I want to raise funds, with your help, to cover the medical costs of families that would struggle to cover their healthcare in Azad Kashmir. The hospital is already built and does great work so the funds would be directly supporting families access the health services available. It has an eyecare unit, a kidney dialysis unit, women's clinic, 24 hour pharmacy and it plans to expand and do more insha Allah
A community hospital like this can really bring ease to families in villages that have to travel far, in the blazing heat for medical help.
Your donations will be directly covering the healthcare fees for families who hold Zakaah applicable cards and struggling families insha Allah. There is no doubt that your donations will bring huge relief and reward insha Allah
May Allah accept this from us. Ameen
100 % donation
Zakah and sadaqah applicable