Hallo everybody. My name is Minétte Teessen and I'm from Pretoria, South Africa.
In 2003 some friends and I competed in a triathlon at the Roodeplaat Dam just outside Pretoria. Despite notices prohibiting swimming (see pic below) the event still continued. Three years later however, the annual “Roode 1000”, a popular event on the OW swimming calendar in the same dam, had to relocate to Bronkhorstspruit, due to the poor water quality. Since then, I’ve become used to warnings during the briefing just before an event to consult your GP should you experience serious stomach ailments following the swim.
In May this year, dozens of residents in Bloemhof in the North West Province visited local clinics following severe outbreak of diarrhoea in the area. Although tests checking for Cholera came back negative, three babies had died and another five were admitted to hospital for observation. The source: contaminated water, leaving the community without water for a further week to shut down, clean and sanitize the system.
Diarrhoea claims nearly half a million lives annually just from lack of access to clean safe water and sanitation.
Contaminated water is not an isolated problem affecting only those living in the poorest of communities. It affects us all. Unfortunately it is the people living in poor isolated communities; babies, small children and elderly that are the most vulnerable and affected the worst due to their location far from proper medical facilities.
Frank Water is a UK based water charity funding community-led projects worldwide to provide clean, safe drinking water.
On August 10, 2014, I swam14km in the annual “Henley to Marlow, bridge-to-bridge” event in the River Thames, to raise funds for Frank Water and help create an awareness of the extent of the world population who still do not have access to clean safe water and sanitation.
But before you continue reading, click on the following link, & remember to put your earphones on!
…this is what Frank Water Project is all about…
…and This is how YOU can help Change the Picture:
My target is to raise GBP300 during this time, but let me contextualise this:
GBP10 can fund the training of a community member who can maintain and operate the clean water project.
GBP50 can fund an awareness campaign.
GBP100 can fund the special UV filter removing viral contaminants before reaching taps.
GBP200 can fund the sand & carbon filters used to remove larger particles ensuring the water is safe.
Please Change the Picture by supporting this wonderful cause!!