Fundraising For Maysaa

Team: Fundraising for Maysaa
Team: Fundraising for Maysaa
Fundraising For Maysaa · 17 October 2021
Assalamu Alaikum my dear brothers and sisters
I pray you’re all well inshā-Allāh.
In Lockdown last year, a friends 4 year old daughter Maysaa was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma which is a rare form childhood cancer.
It’s been a difficult time for them but by the grace of Allah she’s been responding well to treatment and inshā-Allāh she will continue to do so. It’s not been an easy time grappling with all our emotions and practical aspects of this massive change and watching the side effects of chemotherapy on her has been heart-wrenching.
After her treatment completes its course, Maysaa will need further, preventative, treatment that’s only available in the US and at quite considerable cost.
We’ve teamed up with a charity called Solving Kids’ Cancer. I’d like to kindly request your assistance in spreading the word on the various social media platforms you might use to assist us in this mammoth task. I pray that Allah accepts and rewards any efforts on your part and I will forever be in your debt.
Jazākumullāhu Khairā, your brother Minaam.
Follow Maysaas journey: @maysaa_v_neuroblastoma
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